Ministers of the Gospel

Well done, good and faithful servants! 我们为一代又一代的CUAA教会工作者感到骄傲,他们通过传讲和教导福音,把其他人带进了上帝的大家庭.

为教会预备十大赌博官网领袖的好工作,今天仍在美国大学校友会继续. 我们邀请你去探索神是否呼召你加入康考迪亚校友的行列,他们在世界各地作为教会工作者服事基督.

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Lutheran Teacher “康科迪亚的教职员工每天都向我展示我想成为的那种老师." - Kyra Jammer

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Family Life Ministry "A strong family rooted in Christ is so important, 而康考迪亚帮助我为最重要的关系做好了准备." - Celia Walkowicz

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Our Commitment to the Church

安娜堡的康考迪亚大学知道教会迫切需要更多的熟练工人. 这所大学每年都会为那些表示愿意从事教会工作的学生提供各种支持.

  • 教会工作候选人的平均资助额为19,435美元
  • 4 church work-specific scholarships available
  • 每年大约有50个教会工作专供捐赠
  • 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio

Why choose CUAA for Church Work?

Faculty relationships

与五星级的专家教师建立关系,他们会在个人层面上了解你. 与教授的亲密关系会帮助你在问那些关于青年事工的难题时感到自在, predestination, music selection in worship, etc. -- in preparation for your future vocation.

Practical experience

把学习带到课堂之外,在当地教会接受有偿的学生培训(STEPS), by becoming a campus ministry coordinator, and by serving in ministry on and off campus. Read more about STEPS below.

Leadership opportunities

Grow in confidence by leading worship on campus, 作为校园事工协调员建立关系, giving a devotion to youth at Trinity Time, 为基督教教会工人俱乐部组织活动, leading Bible studies in your STEPS congregation, and much more.

Vibrant campus ministry


The Best College Town in the US (WalletHub 2021)

在美丽宽敞的校园里,全年都可以享受休伦河. With miles of hiking and biking trails nearby, yet only a short trip to downtown Ann Arbor, everyone can find something they love.

Program Spotlight

STEPS church work internship

Since 2004, 安娜堡康考迪亚大学的STEPS项目帮助更多的教会工作候选人提前获得了机会, 在职培训和获得导师的机会比康考迪亚大学系统中的任何一所学校都要多.

Students enrolled in pre-seminary, pre-deaconess, family life ministry, 或教区音乐项目都有资格参加这个带薪兼职实习经历,在CUAA的20多个合作教区或LCMS部委中任一个.

通常情况下,教会工作的学生直到大四才会参加相当于实习的活动, 但STEPS的目标是让他们从大二开始进入真实的事工环境.

Colloquy Routes

如果你已经获得了非教会工作学位,但想成为路德教会密苏里教会的名册工人, you have some options. 座谈会计划准备个人谁已经在服事的角色,成为一个部长的宗教委托在lms.


最受欢迎的途径是通过康考迪亚大学教育网络(CUEnet)。. CUEnet是一个在线项目,需要完成八门课程, 之后,个人可以在康考迪亚大学系统中选择一所他们希望参加期末考试的大学, in-person interview to be conducted. 请访问LCMS的工人座谈会培训页面以了解更多详情 and to apply or contact Jim Juergensen with questions.

Financial Assistance

康考迪亚旨在支持各级终身路德教学习. 所以无论你是在为十大赌博官网排行孩子还是你自己寻找选择, 康考迪亚大学有大量的课程可以让你具备非凡的同情心, ethical conscience, and unparalleled skill.

Luther Promise

Up to $20,在任何路德教会教会或高中就读的本科生都可以获得1万美元, 或美国大学校友或登记教会工作人员的家属. Learn more about the Luther Promise scholarship here.

Luther Scholar Guarantee

Undergraduates who are new freshman, who are planning to be LCMS pastors, 谁宣布一个预备学院轨道有资格获得20美元,000. Learn more about the Luther Scholar Guarantee here.

Uncommon Scholarship

路德教会学校和教堂的雇员有资格获得符合条件的研究生课程或成人加速课程的奖学金. Learn more about the Uncommon Scholarships here.

Church Work Scholarships

经济援助是专门为修读预科的学生预留的, Lutheran education, DCM, or parish music. Click here for more details.

Fine Arts Scholarships

奖学金是为在CUAA学习音乐、戏剧或艺术的学生提供的. Click here for more details.

Scholarship Endowments

康考迪亚大学有一些专门为教会工作学生设立的奖学金. 根据学生的经济需要,他或她可能有资格获得这些基金之一的援助. Ask your financial aid advisor for details.

如果你想了解更多关于建立捐赠基金留下遗产的信息, click here or contact Dean Rennicke at

申请人可能有资格获得其他补助金或学费援助. Each individual is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 请访问上面链接的页面,与相应的招生代表联系.